Image Data Storage
Drone Harmony’s image data support is uniquely designed to easily browse captured drone data. Images are sorted by time, date, dock, and flights. They are automatically geolocated and overlaid in Map and 3D views.
Web Part
The media gallery tab would allow you to better organize your interaction with the collected data, and download/review images that the drone has collected during mission execution.
Once you enter the media gallery tab you will see a drop-down list sorted by the days when the data was collected. You can also review them sorted by the mission during which the data was collected, by the user that collected data, and by the payload that was used to make these photos.
Filter to current map view` switcher will allow you to review all the images available for the account or filter to images that were made within the sites/flights in the map area which you can see visually at that moment on the screen.
It is possible to download/delete particular photos/videos or download/delete them in bulk for the entire flight plan that was executed, or for an entire workday.
Another functionality that is available in the web version of the media gallery is creating missions from the images. (please attach the link for the article about creating missions from photos here)
Mobile part
The button that is located under the capture button will redirect you to the Media Gallery where you should be able to see and manage all the data you have captured with Drone Harmony.
Once you are in media gallery you will see collected data sorted by the time and date of capture similar to web version. Mobile Media Gallery also allows you to choose the source of collected data which could be drone or SD card.
For the mobile media gallery we have developed sync of your collected data to the cloud.
To achieve this just tap and select the media files which you would like to sync and than tap on cloud icon.
This action will redirect you to choosing a cloud solution for this, for now, there is only one option available, more coming soon.
2. Exporting Collected Data
Wil be added soon.
3. Extracting Flight Logs
After completing your data collection, you may want to review the flight logs to analyze performance, troubleshoot issues, or document mission details.
Drone Harmony provides you with built-in capabilities for simple visualization of your flight logs and tracking of many flight logs that you may have in your account. To review your flight logs in the web version of Drone Harmony you should open the
For more detailed visualization, data breakdown, and more valuable insights we have developed the Automated Flight Log Upload Feature with our partner - AirData.
Simply follow these steps to get started:
1. Visit the AirData website at and log into your account.
2. Navigate to "My Account" and locate the "Auto upload token" option.
3. Copy your unique AirData token from the provided field.
4. Return to the "Connect AirData account" page in the "partners" option of the left-side menu and paste your token in the designated space.
Once you've completed these steps, your flight logs will be automatically uploaded to the AirData server, ensuring you have easy access to valuable data and insights from logs.