Parrot ANAFI AI Support
We are glad to announce partial integration with Parrot ANAFI AI.
As for now, the integration works through file sharing. Our mobile app fully supports only DJI drones at the moment.
To export a flight path, right-click on it in the web app and then select the “export plan” option (screenshot 1).
Select Parrot format and then the best way is to use email (either send directly from DH Web to your email or use the download option and then mail it to yourself).
Then on the iOS device, click on the attachment in the email client and it will offer to open it in Parrot FF7.
Flight plans that are imported are not editable. In case you are using a terrain-aware flight, please make sure to liftoff from the same position as planned, because all altitudes are computed relative to the liftoff point (and not in AMSL).
In the future, we plan a tighter integration in case this collaboration is successful.