Asset Inspections

Welcome to the future of asset inspections! Drone Harmony is here to revolutionize how you manage large-scale projects, streamlining processes with unprecedented efficiency. Contact us today and take the first step toward transforming your electrical line inspections.

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Efficient and Reliable Asset Inspections

Preparation Made Simple

Imagine setting up your inspection parameters effortlessly over your morning coffee. With our intuitive web app, you can pre-organize your data, tailor your inspection needs, and seamlessly sync everything with the cloud, ensuring you're field-ready without the fuss. It's about empowering you to focus on the essentials, with all your data just a click away, enhancing your field experience with unparalleled convenience and efficiency.

Transforming Large-Scale Inspections

Imagine completing inspections faster, with more accuracy, and without the exhaustive groundwork traditionally required. That's the promise of our Power Distribution Line Scanner, designed to handle vast networks with ease, ensuring every inspection is thorough and reliable.

No Lidar or CAD Models Required

We believe in keeping things simple. With Drone Harmony, you're set to go without the need for complex LiDAR scans or CAD models. It's about making your life easier while maintaining the highest standards of inspection quality.

Cloud Integration: Your Data, Organized and Accessible

Our scanner doesn't just collect data; it smartly uploads, allocates, and sorts it in the cloud. This means you have instant access to organized, actionable insights, wherever you are, whenever you need them.

Innovative Features for Comprehensive Insights

Drone Harmony is not just a tool; it's your next team member. Its advanced features provide detailed analytics, robust data collection in varied environments, and insights that drive your decisions, enhancing the efficacy of your projects. Discover how it can transform your operations and set a new standard in the industry.

Skip the manual climbing or flying - Work with Drone Harmony instead. Your benefits:

Save Time On Site

Automated flight planning and execution. Intuitive and streamlined workflow. Flight planning includes environment aware obstacle avoidance.

Get High Quality Data

Full coverage and accurate images of electric utilities, roads, or pipelines are guaranteed by optimization algorithms.

Reduce Cost

Perform more inspections with less skilled personnel. High data quality reduces image processing costs.

Scalable Solution

Flight plans can be shared and repeatedly flown. Train beginner pilots in less than 30 minutes.

Full 3D Work Environment

Plan and visualize both asset and flight plan in 3D for accurate and predictable results.

Latest news about asset inspections

Unveiling the Drone Harmony Image Gallery, UI Improvements, Floating Obstacles, and Speed Control Features

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Drone Harmony Now Supports the Entire DJI Enterprise Drone Lineup!

Drone Harmony has released a new update for its professional drone mission planning software for commercial use. The software now supports all new DJI Enterprise drones, including Mavic 3 Enterprise Thermal, Matrice 30 Thermal, and Matrice 300 RTK. The highlight of the recent release is the new support of the DJI’s Matrice 30 and Mavic...

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Drone Harmony Power Scanner: Advancing Power Utility Line Inspection

Drone technology is transforming the power utilities industry, enabling more efficient and cost-effective operations for inspecting and maintaining critical infrastructure. One platform that is leading the charge in this space is Drone Harmony Power Scanner, which offers a suite of advanced features designed specifically for line inspection. At the heart of the platform is a...

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