DH SBB App Download

Download the latest DH Plus mobile application for SBB directly on your mobile device by clicking on the button below. Once the apk file is downloaded you can click on it to install. There is no need to uninstall the previous version of the app.

Release notes for latest Drone Harmony SBB version (1.13)

Release date: 01 February 2021

  • Negative altitudes flying:
    • For terrain missions generated on the web – support of negative altitudes (up to -200 meters)
    • Mission resume from negative altitude
    • Display of negative altitude in telemetry
    • Manual update of missions to set negative altitude for waypoints
  • Unlocking for Custom DJI certificates.
  • For RTH terrain line missions (generated on the web using “terrain line” mission) -> stop camera when flying back
  • Show * in login pages (e.g. DLB login page) at the password field in case user is already logged in.
  • Stop showing message to return to 2D view in FPV after 5 times.
  • Option to to import DHM files in menu (using email / file client still works).
  • Bug fixes and minor improvements.


Version 1.12

Release date: 08 December 2020

  • Support of DJI Mavic Mini.
  • Latest DJI SDK
  • Fix for issue with licence on some missions.

Version 1.11.2

Release date: 02 October 2020

  • DJI zone certificate management, see under Drone menu.
  • Fix: flights logs do not contain drone / battery serials when connected to a running drone.
  • Fix: aspect ratio of the FPV view for Mavic 2 Enterprise Dual – image is not distorted any more.

Version 1.11.1

Release date: 27 July 2020

  • Flight logs will be written from “drone motors on” and finish writing on “drone motors off” (in the past was splitting the logs into manual / auto missions).

Version 1.10.10

Release date: 20 May 2020

  • Support for dual media storage (internal / sdcard). Affects the telemetry, media viewer and formatting functions.
  • In FPV view the camera settings are now always accessible, even during flight
  • Added Portuguese support
  • Fix: On second waypoint batch upload (in-flight uploads) the mission now correctly continues the video recording
  • Fix: On second waypoint batch upload (in-flight uploads) the mission now keeps updated speed
  • Fix: caching of selection of “record video” on the launch dialog was not working properly.