“Tap To Focus” In The Live Dock Video Feed

May 1, 2024

We’ve added ‘tap focus’, by clicking on any point in a live DJI Dock video feed from your drone, the drone will focus its camera on this designated area. This feature gives users never-before-seen real-time control of their drones, allowing them to pinpoint critical areas with unprecedented precision.

In addition, we have also made further updates:

  • We’ve streamlined the dock setup with a crucial warning: docks must be unlinked before connection, ensuring seamless integration and smoother operations.
  • Dive into the world of simulation missions exclusively for Drone Harmony usage, enhancing your planning experience.
  • Launch missions confidently with our new warning system, alerting you when the dock isn’t connected to media storage, ensuring seamless data management.
  • Empower yourself with the “Stop Fly to Point” button, providing greater control and flexibility during missions.
  • Never forget your login credentials again with the new “Remember Me” button, simplifying access to your account using your email.
  • We’re excited to announce support for Cloud SDK 1.10, enhancing compatibility and performance for our valued users.