February 2024 – Drone Harmony general Android mobile app update v2.7.0

Release Notes Version 2.7.0

New Features:

  • Teams Support in Mobile App: Teams functionality will be enabled in the mobile app to align with the web app.
  • Mini3 and Mini3 Pro Support: Added compatibility for Mini3 and Mini3 Pro drones.
  • Mission Pattern Recording: Added the ability to record mission patterns and fly those missions again.
  • Map objects recording: Added ability to record polygons, lines, POIs, and fences using a flying drone.
  • Starting missions from polygons with height:
    -Added ability to start mission planning from the top of any tall structures (like buildings roofs or any shapes with height).
    -Added ability to launch missions directly from the top of tall structures (like buildings roofs or any shapes with height).
  • Separate Airdata and DLB token: Now any user in a team can have a separate Airdata/DLB token.
  • Progress Bar for Site Sync: Added a progress bar to visually track the synchronization status of sites.
  • Map Click Resolving: Improved the map interface to better handle clicks when multiple objects are close to each other.
  • Auto Liftoff and Landing: Implemented options for automatic liftoff and landing to streamline drone operation.
  • Update Home Location: Added the functionality to update the home location for connected drones.
  • New Folder Creation in Recording Settings: Users can now create new folders in recording settings, with the default folder name set to the mission name.
  • New DJI SDK support: Includes support of DJI SDK version 5.8.0.

Safety Improvements:

  • Wind Warnings: Added wind warnings with an option to disable them in settings.
  • AirSense Warnings: Introduced AirSense warnings, which can be turned off in settings.
  • Obstacle Alerts: Implemented obstacle alerts with a toggle option in settings.
  • Disable Obstacle Sensors: Provided an option to disable obstacle sensors in settings, which can also be mapped to a shortcut.
  • Mission resume from custom point: Added the ability to cut missions on launch, allowing custom resumption from any selected point.

Bugs fixed:

  • Issue with Spanish Localization: The mobile app has been unexpectedly closing when set to Spanish localization.


  • Ensure that the software is updated to the latest version to utilize these new features and improvements.
  • We would appreciate reports for any issues or providing feedback at support@droneharmony.com